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Analox AX60+ Sensor Protector Kit
Sensors mounted at low levels are vulnerable to accidental damage.
Ax60+ Protector Kit: Includes protector bar, splashguard & fixing kit.
...Sensors mounted at low levels are vulnerable to accidental damage.
Ax60+ Protector Kit: Includes protector bar, splashguard & fixing kit.
The Sensor Protector Kit includes a Protector Bar, Fixing Kit and Splashguard. The Protector Bar should be placed over the sensor, and secured in place using the fixing kit, to protect it from being damaged by other equipment being moved around in the same area, like beer kegs, barrels, brewing or cleaning equipment.
To protect the Sensors we recommend purchasing a Splashguard protector to cover the sensor, shielding it from accidental splashes while cleaning is in operation. The Splashguard can be easily screwed to the front of the Sensor unit.